Thursday, December 5, 2013

Inspiration For All of Us by Premavatar Swami Vishwananda

Taken from the Czech Swami Vishwananda Blog 5.12.2013
Guruji gave a Christmas gift, unexpectedly, 27.12.2012 in the form of a short Satsang to a Czech group of his students and devotees who were fortunate enough to have been present at Shree Peetha Nilaya. He answered all the questions of those present. Among others, the question was asked:

"Swami, can you please tell us what is best for us, what is most important for your disciples and devotees in the Czech and Slovak at this time time? What should we do, what should we look for?"

Premavatar Swami Vishwananda's response: "Spread the love and help others. Work together, do things together, mutually assist and support each other. Do not waste your time. Do not compete and fight with each other. Do not worry about the juxtaposition and evaluation. God is in you all; He is the master and the disciple. No one is higher or lower. You are all part of a single God. Spread the love and help others. "

(Short notation by Jagadishen)

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